Sora Tagami

About me


tagami.sora [at]


2019.3 - 2020.7 : Abidarma Inc.

Operated a space for hands-on “Pepper” development. Hosted study sessions for Pepper application developers.

2021.8 - 2021.11 : Google Japan G.K.

Joined in Google Assistant team as Software Engineer Internship.

2020.8 - PRESENT : AppBrew

Developing of beauty platform "LIPS" as a Backend engineer.


2020.3 : NLP2020

Using Parallel Meaning Bank, which is a multilingual corpus with syntactic and semantic analysis information, we evaluate the performance of the general-purpose language model BERT in word-level semantic comprehension by a series labeling task called semantic phenomenon tag prediction of each word.


2020.5 - 2020.6 : Google STEP (Google Summer Trainee Engineering Program)

An engineer training program for women sponsored by Google.

2020.5 - 2020.7 : Build@Mercari

An engineer training program for Underrepresented group sponsored by mercari.